
Payroll & Employment Taxes Manager 



Everyone from small local businesses to large multinational corporations. 


Supporting clients with UK, global mobility and modified payrolls that contain expatriates, payments to international beneficiaries and stocks & shares whilst also assisting with all other employment related tax matters. 


Oil & Gas. Energy. Technology.


Laura Wilson is a Manager in our Payroll & Employment Taxes department. Based in Aberdeen, her day-to-day role involves managing the delivery of accurately processed global mobility payrolls for clients whilst guaranteeing all their employees are paid timely on pay date across multiple countries and currencies. She finds solutions to client problems and is always looking for ways to improve current processes in a confident and exciting approach to save time for both the client and AAB. Laura also provides training and support to junior team members to allow them to excel in their learning and build on their payroll knowledge. 


“There is nothing better than being able to get your teeth into a project with a client to improve their payroll process. Being able to successfully change how their payroll is run to save not only the payroll team time but the client too, is really satisfying. Although, my favourite time of the month and most satisfying thing about my job is when all payments for the month have been sent and all employees have been paid. There is no better feeling that knowing the end goal has been reached! 

I love the fact that everything is becoming more tech-focused, certainly within payroll. We’re working with more clients each week that are moving towards an API connection where we can pull the payroll data required straight from their systems to populate ours and produce the payroll. This is a massive time saver for us and will be exciting to see more manual jobs moving towards an automated process in the future.” 


“One of my previous clients used to call us the “Dream Team” when I processed their payroll as we used to be so in sync with each other and would always have payroll down to a T. Although I’m not their main contact anymore, they still occasionally call me when they have a question which is really nice.”  


“There are so many rigid deadlines in a payroll cycle and making sure each target is met with completeness can be very demanding at times. Communication is vital for us as a team to meet these goals and it goes to show how much of a team sport payroll is. The easiest way to avoid any unnecessary stress is by working closely together and helping each other when there’s an important deadline looming. 

I’m a perfectionist in everything I do and when there’s little room for error in payroll, it pays to be diligent. I like to take the extra couple of minutes to check that everything is right, and it looks good too. Sometimes looks can be everything and if you provide work to clients that is user friendly and easy on the eye then it’s going to make their lives easier too.”