
Business Advisory Senior Manager



Owner-managed Businesses and SMEs across a variety of sectors. 


Statutory Accounts Compliance. Management Accounting. Quarterly & Monthly Reporting. Business Advisory Services.


Rural. Healthcare. Trusts & Estates.


Fiona Henderson is a Business Advisory Manager based in Aberdeen.  Fiona works within our Business Advisory team to assist clients with year-end accounts compliance, management accounts and other accounting advice. Fiona provides assurance that year-end accounts and compliance matters are taken care of, and supplies monthly or quarterly reporting support to her clients to allow for ongoing reviews of business performance to ensure targets are met. 


“I think regular contact is key to building a solid relationship with clients. A rewarding aspect of the job is getting to know a client on a personal level, and not just speaking about work.  These personal interactions are key and often conversations can lead to some pretty insightful moments and benefits to the client.  

Building these relationships mean clients know they can come to me for a prompt response and advice that will give them peace of mind.” 


“The most rewarding part of my job is the feeling of satisfaction I experience when I know you I’ve helped a client to solve a problem. It makes a long week worth it when a client lets you know they really appreciate the hard work and effort that’s gone into getting a project completed for them.  

Hearing a client say that my advice has meant they’ve got the best outcome for their business makes it all worthwhile. 

I think people can still thing as accountants we are glued to our calculators and just working on spreadsheets, and that is obviously so far from the truth. AAB teams act as trusted advisors to our clients, always looking at the bigger picture and making sure we understand personal and business goals. There are a lot of people skills involved in my job and that compliments my desire to build strong relationships.”


“I think people know they can trust me to just get on with it and make sure the job gets done. I’m very methodical in my work, writing things down and making lists helps me manage and prioritise my workload. I work well within the team and always make sure our clients know when they can expect a piece of work to be completed, just to give them peace of mind.   

This organised approach naturally continues into my role as a manager. I enjoy being part of a diverse team and being able to help our new starts grow and develop as they progress through the firm. I always aim to make sure I am clear with deadlines and on hand to support anyone when needed.  

I think there is a great deal of opportunity within AAB now we are operating in more locations, there is potential to take on new challenges together and also it is a fantastic opportunity to learn from new people.