Owner-Managed Businesses. Not-for-profit. Large Corporates.


Corporate Tax Compliance. Due Diligence.


Food & Drink & Hospitality. Leisure. Technology. Construction & Property. Not-for-profit.


Based in our Glasgow office, Elizabeth is a corporate tax partner. Elizabeth has over 25 years of experience working with growing privately owned companies across a range of sectors. In addition to providing a first-class compliance service. Elizabeth also has extensive experience advising not-for-profit companies on their corporation tax obligations.

Elizabeth has a reputation with her clients for her open and honest approach to providing bespoke tax advice. She adopts a no-surprises policy to tax compliance providing the signatory with full visibility of the key tax judgements prior to signing.

Getting to know the people behind the business

“I am a people person – people who know and work with me will know that I love to talk. I enjoy nothing more than working with clients and understanding their growth journeys to date and their aspirations for the future. I am proud when I have been able to provide advice to our clients on any part of that journey that they have valued and found beneficial.

I try my best to show clients that they and their companies matter not only to the firm but to me personally. It is important to me to take the time to get to know the people behind the business to truly understand what drives them.

An ideal working relationship for me is one where you have an open and honest channel of communication, and where you have earned the client’s trust. It is important that the client shares the relevant information with you, and is not afraid to confide in you as it helps us to provide the most suitable and tailored advice. “


“I believe my ability to help clients understand is one of the greatest strengths I bring to AAB. Tax is a highly technical area and sometimes we get so excited by the opportunity to use our expertise to provide quality advice to businesses, we forget that our audience is often not as familiar with the difficult legislation and struggles to understand the advice we provide. Through years of experience teaching and mentoring tax trainees, I have developed the ability to take the legislation and turn it into something easy for our clients to understand.”

A collaborative approach

“I adopt a collaborative approach when working with clients because every business is unique, and a one size fits all solution rarely works. I believe it is important to take the time to actively listen to what is worrying them and understand the problem they are faced with. If I can find a solution to this problem, I feel I have provided a great service.

Within the firm, I really enjoy working with colleagues across departments, sharing knowledge and learning from one another.  I believe a collaborative approach not only broadens my knowledge but also helps to reach greater outcomes for our clients. I also really enjoy working with our trainees and watching them develop from graduates with no tax knowledge into trusted business advisors. This is something I find particularly rewarding.”

Embracing emerging technology

“It is important to be led by the client’s preferences and adapt our approach to what works best for our clients. Several efficiencies can be gained from working virtually for clients but adopting a more ‘hands-on’ approach is still greatly beneficial in helping to build strong client relationships.

Internally, it is important to embrace any efficiencies that can take repetitive manual processes away and enable us to focus our attention on more value-adding tasks.”