Audit & Assurance
External, internal and joint venture audit services
Business Advisory
Management accounts, strategic planning, profit improvement.
Corporate Finance
M&A advisory, selling a business, fundraising, valuations, due diligence
Hotel Accounting
Accounting function, automation, daily reconciliations and dashboards, accounts payable
Payroll & Employment
Payroll, global mobility, employee benefits, employment taxes
Full-service people consultancy - human resources, learning and development
Private Clients & High Net Worth Individuals
Tax planning & compliance, tax residence and domicile, trust planning
Restructuring & Recovery
Business rescue, liquidations, administrations, insolvency, debt recovery
Sustainable Business & ESG
Baseline assessments, materiality assessments, carbon footprint and sustainability reporting
Corporate tax, customs duty, VAT, R&D, tax investigations, international tax
Virtual Finance
Bespoke service providing real-time information about your business performance
More from AAB
Financial planning, cash flow modelling, retirement planning
Business Services
Professional services, medical, recruitment and media
Construction & Property
Property developers, construction companies, housebuilders, landlords
Renewables, clean energy, energy producers, energy transition, exploration and production
Family Business
Specialist support for businesses owned/managed by families
Food & Drink
Food & drink producers, processors, importers, wholesalers and retailers
Engineering, manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, shipping, distribution
Leisure, Retail & Hospitality
Fashion, entertainment, activity centres, hoteliers
Not For Profit
Charities, social housing, higher and further education institutions
Public Sector
Government, non-departmental public bodies, health boards, ALEOS
Software companies, tech start-ups, cybersecurity firms, and AI innovators.
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ESG Diligence: The Key To Sustainable M&A Transactions
AAB / Our Team / Claire Kinloch
Meet the Business Advisory team
SME’s. Large Organisations. Mid-market clients.
Stakeholder engagement. Strategy development. Change management.
Energy. Food & Drink. Technology.
Claire Kinloch is a Principal Consultant in our Business Advisory Team. Based in our Edinburgh office she helps her clients understand, articulate and solve a wide range of business problems. This might be understanding their future value proposition, or it might be facilitating change across a number of different business-critical projects.
No matter what she’s working on, Claire’s aim is always to have added value for her clients, once a project comes to a conclusion.
“With my clients, I want to establish relationships that are open and most importantly have trust at their core. If a client doesn’t feel like they can trust us- how can they believe we have their best interests at heart? That we truly know what’s best for them and also understand their business and what their goals are? That trust doesn’t just come from nowhere, it’s something we have to be intentional about and create.
How do we do that? By establishing strong relationships, I pride myself on leading any and all client engagement with three things: integrity, clarity and accountability. The importance of clarity cannot be undermined. If I lead a project and just talk circles around the client, only using phraseology and terminology that they don’t understand, that’s not going to get us anywhere or it’s going to get us to a place where clients aren’t really sure what’s going on. Jargon for jargon’s sake is pointless in my opinion. I want to take my clients along with me and achieve their goals together- that means giving them all the information and ensuring that they fully understand, in the easiest way possible, what I’m telling them, so they can then make decisions that are fully informed.
For me it’s really important that I leave a project being able to see that I’ve added value for them- there’s nothing more satisfying in my opinion.”
“Never say never, but I can’t imagine a time when virtual will surpass the benefits we see being face-to-face with clients. It’s really important to get the opportunity to meet clients face to face so we can build rapport and begin to understand them and their business. There are just some things that are easier in person. For example, workshops can be conducted online of course, but we gain so much insight from being around a table or just all physically in one room.
That is not, however, to say that technology doesn’t play a part- it has provided us all with a helping hand. It’s made streamlining processes more efficient and given us access to communication much more readily than waiting for time face to face. As with most things, I believe it’s all about striking the right balance. It is when we utilise a range of ways of working that are available to suit everyone involved that we can deliver the highest quality service.”
“I strongly believe in the power of a team. I have never known a project to succeed without one. I also believe and have first-hand experience in the notion that rank, job title and experience mean nothing when it comes to generating great ideas. Brilliant ideas can come from anyone and in a team there’s a part for everyone to play. And the diversity of our team, is what I love about it.”
“The greatest compliment a client paid me was telling me that “I’m straight-talking, clear thinking and inspire business leaders to make solid decisions”
“I strongly believe problems have solutions. That no problem can’t in some way be fixed. The answer isn’t always going to be obvious but, that’s when I’m able to use my strengths of tenacity and my drive to get things done to find that solution for my clients.”