Small owner-managed businesses and larger international groups. 


Provide audit and assurance services to a variety of clients.  


Energy, Oilfield Services and Retail.  

Claire McRobb is a Senior Manager in our Audit department. Based in Aberdeen, her day-to-day role involves providing audit and assurance services to a variety of different clients.

“succeeding together.” 

“An ideal relationship with a client would be one where both parties are there to promote the success of each other. We aim to offer the best service possible to our clients, both completing statutory compliance work and finding out how we can add value to their business. In return, an ideal client would ensure that they are providing with everything we require in order to help them and be open to our suggestions for ways in which we can help.” 


“I love being able to gain knowledge from colleagues to help further my own development, as well as be able to share the knowledge with others. Sharing experiences is invaluable in terms of developing both effective individuals and teams and you can learn something new every day round here! 

I think the most satisfying aspect of working with clients is developing long-standing relationships. Our audit jobs can involve a lot of work and by the time we’re done, the clients can almost feel like colleagues, working together to achieve a goal.” 


“My approach to work is to never to just accept what has always been done. There are continuing developments in auditing practices and technology that can make our work vary year on year. We aim to provide the best possible service but doing this in a proper and efficient way allows us to tailor our approach to each client, giving a more personal service which is highly valued by clients. 

Virtual working offers amazing opportunities to complete work for clients anywhere in the world. It also brings both benefits and challenges in terms of information flow but gives our clients and staff opportunities to work in ways that are more efficient. However, hands on experience still plays a vital role in terms of building relationships with both clients and colleagues, as well as training new recruits.” 


“Audit can be seen as a bit of burden for clients and generally “no-one likes the auditors!”. However, when clients see what we can bring in terms of both efficiency and adding value to their business, it becomes clear that our service is something that can be greatly appreciated. Whether it’s a simple “thank you for the hard work” or “we look forward to working with you next year”, any recognition from clients is greatly appreciated. Although, it is our long-standing relationships with clients that prove our hard work goes a long way.”