Large Corporates. International Groups. Development Trusts / Charities.


Audit & Assurance. Statutory Accounts preparation.


Not for Profit. Industrial. Manufacturing. ESG.

“I always take time to thoroughly understand the challenges a client may have, and provide insight on the back of this.”

As an Audit Assistant Manager, Calum Davidson helps to provide audit and assurance services to clients in a range of sectors. He works to get to know his clients, and develop a thorough understanding how they work. Calum ensures that clients don’t merely think of audit as a ‘tick box’ exercise, but as a service that provides insight and adds value to businesses.

Calum is also a member of our Industrial sector team.


“In my opinion, an ideal relationship with a client is one which is a two-way street – respectful from both sides, with good communication. We are not just here to be difficult, and a lot of my clients realise and understand this. It’s important for me to be able to challenge a client when necessary, but I can also provide helpful insight and advice.”


“Clients expect professionalism, a high standard of work, the ability to answer questions, and for me to always be there to help.

For the clients I work with, we are honest from both sides. The client will know that if I am not sure about something, I will go back to one of the many experts we have on our team at AAB and find an accurate and thoroughly-researched answer promptly.”


“One of the most satisfying aspects of working with clients is seeing them grow and playing a very small part in this behind the scene. To see projects that clients are working on, or ideas which at some point seemed a distant thought, become reality and be involved in that process.

As for working with my colleagues, I get great satisfaction from training them and seeing them use that training in future work assignments.”


“When it comes to different types of communication, I have always believed the most efficient and helpful balance to be a fair split between the virtual and more ‘hands-on’ routes. I have always been under the impression that is key to have that face-to-face correspondence with a client, sitting down in a room with them and talking things over. This gives a level of understanding that you don’t get over Teams or emails. However, virtual working with clients provides a different breadth communication that we can use to enhance our work assignment.”


“The impression that people have as an auditor. We can be seen as difficult, only here to tick boxes, and a bit of a chore when we come to a client. However, I look to challenge this stereotype, providing advice and technical knowledge to a client. I always take time to thoroughly understand the challenges a client may have, and provide insight on the back of this.

I also don’t like to be seen as just a name on an email. Creating a strong relationship based on face-face communication is key for our role, ensuring the client always feels comfortable enough to pick up the phone and give me a call.”


“The opportunities at AAB are endless, not just for myself but the firm as a whole. Over the last few years, we have grown substantially and this has attracted new clients across a variety of industries.

AAB push the team to strive for success, while also supporting them. I am excited to play my part in this growth, helping the firm to continually grow, while also growing myself personally.”


“Many clients may just see us as the audit team, however for many a work assignment, we are working along side several other service lines, as well as an internal team within audit. I have always strived to work well in a team, helping each other out, but also having strong and positive communication with our other service lines to ensure we are all on the same page. As client service manager on several jobs, this is key as it allows me to understand any developments for my clients. This further allows me to report to the client better.

Collaboration also comes with the client. As mentioned above, working well with a client creates a strong and healthy relationship, which I am looking to continue for a number of years.”


“The greatest strength I bring to AAB is that I always make time for others – I take time out of my day and go that extra mile for a client to ensure they are happy, and I’m never too busy to answer a question. This goes for both training internally, as well as clients. For other members of the audit team, no matter how busy I am they know I will do my best to help in any way I can.

As for clients, I always look to deliver the best service we possibly can and this may be by going that extra but further for a client. I have had many clients who have queried things, which may not be my level of expertise or service line. However, I have always told them to leave it with me and I will go find the best person for the job and make sure the client gets a technical answer in a time efficient manner.”


“The best compliments I’ve received from clients have been on my professionalism and technical knowledge! A client praised my professionalism in dealing with certain tough areas on an audit, as well as providing well educated answers to questions. I was being challenged by two ex-audit partners of ‘Big Four’ firms, and I held my own! They provided the feedback to my partner.”