Fraud Prevention & Investigation Services from AAB – What Others Say

What Others Say… Have a look at what our clients say about our Fraud Prevention & Investigation Services: “I have known Scott Grant for 5 years, primarily on a personal level. I have valued Scott’s friendship tremendously over this period,…

News22nd Dec 2010

By Sarah Simpson

What Others Say…

Have a look at what our clients say about our Fraud Prevention & Investigation Services:

  • “I have known Scott Grant for 5 years, primarily on a personal level. I have valued Scott’s friendship tremendously over this period, as Scott has always offered an open and honest conversation, with many pragmatic ideas relating to family and business. Most of all I have found Scott’s intellect, trust and integrity to be of the highest quality and I would readily work with him in any business environment.”
    Edward D. LaFehr, General Manager and Managing Director
    Pharaonic Petroleum Company, BP Egypt.
  • “I met Scott Grant a couple of years ago when he was attached to the Specialist Fraud Unit in Aberdeen. In all his dealings he was professional and courteous. He readily appreciated and understood the issues which were being discussed and gave practical advice and assistance. I have no hesitation in recommending him as an experienced professional in his chosen field of Fraud Investigation, Asset Identification and Recovery.”
    Ian F. McLennan, Senior Partner
    The Commercial Law Practice LLP.
  • “I met Scott Grant a number of years ago, as my business became involved in a large embezzlement investigation in Aberdeen. Through carrying out our business in a normal fashion we found ourselves in an uncertain situation for a lengthy period of time, but thanks to the professionalism, investigative abilities and honesty shown by Scott, we were able to come through the process with our name and reputation intact. I would readily recommend him as trustworthy and experienced Fraud Investigator.”
    Anil Sethi, Managing Director
    Ariel Maritime (UK) Ltd.
  • “During the period 2004/2006, in my capacity as Senior Partner and Head of Litigation at Shammah Nicholls, Solicitors in Manchester, I was instructed to advise and act on behalf of a Limited Company in the Manchester area who were the subject of an investigation being conducted by Scott Grant, into an alleged embezzlement of £750,000 during the period 1997/2003 by senior employees of a multinational Company in the logistics industry with depots and offices in Scotland.
    The methodology of the allegations centred on a sophisticated network of fake companies incorporated to receive payments for sevices which they did not in fact provide, as well as the alteration of genuine invoices to conceal the payees for goods and sevices provided to a senior employee of the multinational Company for his personal benefit.
    The invoices included invoices purportedly issued by my Clients, a number of which appeared not to be genuine and payments made to my Clients for no genuine or apparent business reasons. It became clear, during the investigation and arising from the efforts and judgement of Scott Grant and his team, that whilst the conduct of my Clients was a matter for consideration, the usefulness of my Clients as potential witnesses, allied to their cooperation in the investigation and their probable non involvement as perpetrators of the alleged embezzlement, meant that they would not be involved as co-defendants.
    Throughout the investigation Scott Grant displayed enormous focus, energy and skill, and over a series of interviews held in Manchester, an encyclopaedic understanding of the complexities of a case with many strands and a high level of sophistication.
    His methods proved very successful and led to a substantial recovery as well as securing a conviction of the senior employee without the requirement of a Trial.
    My Clients were content that they had been treated fairly and that it was accepted that they were not involved in the embezzlement.
    Scott Grant is a very capable and professional forensic fraud investigator.”
    Joe Shammah, Former Senior Partner & Head of Litigation
    Shammah Nicholls, Solicitors in Manchester.