AAB launches own charitable initiative, AABIE

Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP (AAB) has announced that during the year, the firm set up the Anderson Anderson & Brown Charitable Initiative (AABIE). The official launch of AABIE occurred at AAB’s ‘A Festive Welcome to Kingshill View’ event held…

News6th Dec 2016

By Sarah Simpson

AAB launches own charitable initiative

Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP (AAB) has announced that during the year, the firm set up the Anderson Anderson & Brown Charitable Initiative (AABIE). The official launch of AABIE occurred at AAB’s ‘A Festive Welcome to Kingshill View’ event held with their clients last week at their new offices in the Prime Four Business Park. The event saw an appearance from AABIE (the mascot) herself to mark the announcement as Drum Property Group’s Managing Director Graeme Bone carried out the official opening.

AABIE has been set up as the platform which facilitates everyone at AAB to be able to invest in the communities in which they operate. The initiative seeks partnership with charities, invites applications from worthy causes for donations and grants from the initiative, and also enables employees to use their time and skills to support local charities through projects and volunteering events.

AABIE is managed by a Board of Trustees, all of whom are senior members of the firm’s leadership team, and is chaired by Sheena Anderson, one of the founding Partners of AAB (now retired). Activities undertaken, all of which are supported by relevant teams and committees across the firm, come under five strategic themes, namely; Education, Health & Wellbeing, Community & Volunteering, Fundraising and Environment.

Staff have been raising funds for the initiative ahead of launching and have also been using volunteering time to support a number of schools, universities and local charities, which totals well over 1000 hours to date.

Graeme Allan commented “fundraising and supporting local charities has always been part of life at AAB with our dedicated fundraising committee raising a cumulative total of over £110,000 for charities since it launched in 2008. The introduction of AABIE will enable us to enhance the work we already do within the local community and to increase our involvement further, by giving us a platform to work with numerous charities and worthy causes.

The idea for AABIE came out of a great corporate social responsibility discussion we had with our staff and their own desire to give even more back as a firm. We are hugely excited to be launching AABi and are delighted we were able to do this with our valued clients at our first Christmas event in our new home.

The trustees look forward to receiving applications from the fantastic causes in our local community, who meet the funding criteria, and distributing grants in the New Year and beyond.”

During the Festive Season, AABIE will be supporting VSA, SSPCA and Instant Neighbour with Giving Boxes. Find out more information on the funding criteria and application process.