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International Tax

Tax compliance can seem the most daunting of all aspects of operating in a foreign country, but we can ease your move into this unknown territory by providing practical, proactive and commercially astute tax guidance. 

Contact Helen Brown

  • Helen Brown
    Meet the team

    The team

  • Start-ups. Entrepreneurs. SMES. Privately Owned & Listed Businesses. Multinationals. Public & Social Sector Organisations. 

    Who we can help

  • International tax advice. Contract reviews. Corporate Tax. VAT. Payroll. Personal Tax Liabilities. Tax Investigations. Tax Audits. Corporate Criminal Offence Advice. Loan Relationships. Corporate Interest Restrictions. Cross Border Finance Structures. 

    How we can help


Whether you are contemplating a short-term, one-off project overseas or setting up a permanent entity in a foreign country, understanding how foreign tax rules affect your business and personnel will help minimise your liabilities.  

It will also help you accurately factor overseas tax and compliance costs in your tender pricing and budgets, so you can achieve your anticipated commercial results without finding profits are eroded by unforeseen tax surprises.  

Finally, to ensure your business and your employees meet all tax compliance requirements, you’ll need to be aware of the tax reporting and payment rules of the foreign countries, where you operate, including corporate tax, VAT and payroll taxes and social security.  


Our team of international tax experts will spare you all this hard work, by providing a comprehensive range of advice and compliance services tailored to your needs. They will cover all areas of international taxation including:  

  • Corporation tax, including withholding taxes.  
  • Indirect tax (VAT, GST (Goods and Services Tax) & Customs duties).  
  • Employment taxes (income tax, social security and wage tax).  

We will give you the reassurance that all your overseas tax issues have been identified, so you can budget for them and focus on your core business activities. We can also save you time and money by avoiding tax compliance penalties and any resulting tax investigation.  



Complying with tax regulations and being as tax efficient as possible are essential. To help you achieve that, here are AAB’s top three tips for businesses considering international expansion, beginning with start planning early.  

  • In some countries taxes can be due from day one. The easiest way to avoid unexpected tax costs is by talking to our experts as soon as possible.   
  • Make sure taxes are built into your overseas contract prices to protect your profit margin.  
  • We will also help you structure your organisation to take advantage of local and international tax incentives.  

Our expert advisors will begin their support for you by understanding your business in detail, so they can give you focussed and tailored advice when entering and operating in a new country.  


Tapping into the local expertise within our strong and active global network allows us to share this in-depth knowledge with you.  

We will draw on our local advisors’ insights to guide you through their country’s tax compliance and ensure you pay the correct taxes at the right time. That will help you, firstly, to avoid costly penalties. Secondly, it will protect your business from future issues, for example if a third party scrutinises your overseas tax compliance record during an acquisition or merger.  

Our expertise means we can review and advise on contracts, review your overseas tax exposure and identify tax efficiencies to potentially reduce your exposure. We’ll assist when pricing contracts, co-ordinate all of your overseas tax obligations including corporate tax, VAT, payroll and personal taxes to avoid any overseas tax compliance failures. 

For large corporates needing advice on complex UK tax legislations, our team can help on all matters including loan relationships, corporate interest restriction, cross border finance structuring, UK holding company implications, double tax relief claims and advice on UK Group tax matters such as capital allowances. 


Managing international tax is often challenging, but it can be rewarding. Having a clear picture of your tax liabilities in real-time helps you reap the full financial rewards. To achieve this, we will give you access to applications that automate the flow of compliance information globally.  

They will simplify and visualise complex tax information to give you an instant, clear picture. By making you fully aware of your overseas tax liabilities and helping you manage them easily, it lightens your workload, helping to save you time and money.  

We will be delighted to discuss how we can support you now and in the future with all your International Tax requirements.  

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