Grant Round Funding

Fundraising for charities and other worthy causes has always been a key part of life at AAB. Through AABIE, we look for applications to our quarterly grant funding programme (information on application criteria and dates can be viewed below) and we are actively committed to supporting local charities across all of our communities which range in size, type, requirement and user groups.

In the short space of time that AABIE has been operating, we are so proud of everyone at AAB for raising funds that have had such a positive impact on our communities. From sports kits to medical research, vital medical equipment to residential trips, safety items for the elderly to supporting events; AABIE has been able to positively impact the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our community.

If you are a charity within the communities we operate in, and are interested in applying for funding or volunteer time, find out more about our funding criteria below and application to AABIE here.

Funding Criteria and Terms & Conditions

AABIE is open to receiving applications for funding or volunteer time in accordance with the funding criteria/terms and conditions as specified in points 1-12 below.

1. AABIE’s objective is:

To invest in the communities in which the AAB Group of businesses operate through the provision of financial and/or other support to further the aims of:

  • prevention or relief of poverty
  • advancement of education
  • advancement of health
  • advancement of citizenship or community development
  • promotion of religious or racial harmony
  • promotion of equality or diversity
  • advancement of environment protection or improvement
  • advancement of animal welfare
  • relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

2. Generally, grant applications will only be made to charities, individuals and community groups who operate in and around AAB’s operating communities.

3. Consideration for grants will only be given in line with the AABIE aims at 1 above. Please see below details of things we will not fund:

  • Home improvements (windows and doors/extensions)
  • Holidays abroad/fundraising trips abroad
  • School trips abroad
  • General operational costs
  • Televisions
  • Rent/rates for premises
  • Driving lessons for parents/carers
  • Medical treatment abroad
  • PTAs (Parent Teacher Associations)
  • Sporting events for individuals or charities to participate in
  • CICs (Community Interest Companies)

4. The AABIE Trustees reserve the right to consider all grant applications individually and on their own merit and from time to time add to our main grant making criteria

5. Applications can only be accepted from organisations which have not applied for funding in the last 12 months, for example if your application was submitted during a June grant round, you are welcome to apply again from the next June grant round

6. All charities applying for local community grants must be a registered charity

7. Favourable consideration will be given where funds applied for will have a direct benefit to people’s quality of life, and where donations will benefit those in vulnerable circumstances  

8. The grant should be capable of having a clear and meaningful impact, for example:

  • Small charities where the contribution amount is significant relative to the charity’s size
  • Larger charities with identifiable project opportunities that AABIE could put its name to
  • Projects which include the opportunity for AAB employee(s) involvement through the AABIE volunteering programme

9. Grant applications must be accompanied by the most recent annual review and audited accounts of the organisation seeking the grant

10. A governance structure should be in place to allow AABIE to monitor the impact of the investment

11. Where an application has been successful, allocated funds should be used for the original purpose stated in the application

12. Where an application has been successful the grant funds awarded are only held for a period of 12 months. Thereafter, AABIE reserves the right to withdraw the allocated funds

Timing of Applications:

Applications are submitted on an ongoing basis. The board of trustees meets four times a year after each grant deadline and will reply to successful and unsuccessful applications shortly thereafter. Applications should be received by the specific deadline date (dates of the meetings can be confirmed by emailing

13. Grant Deadlines

Grant Round Deadline Trustee Meetings & Replies to Applications
31 December January
31 March April
30 June July
30 September October